Tag: Islam

The Shared Wisdom of Sacred Hunger

The Multifaith Collaborative of the Open Spirit Center near Fatima Shrine recently held an Interfaith Iftar, or breaking of the fast of Ramadan, to which all peoples of all faiths are invited. One of our speakers was Dr. Sadik Kassim, a scientist specializing in Gene Therapy for Cancer and...

Bear Fruit in Faith: A Meaningful Experience of Conversion

10 April 2024 | Aurea Gita (Indonesia) | Our thanks from the Xaverian Missionaries in the Philippines Embracing a new faith is a profound and deeply personal journey, often triggered by significant life events or deep realizations. For many raised in the Islamic tradition, the path to conversion to Catholicism...

Dialogue of Life and Faith

Thank God, I grew up in a family and in an environment where Muslims and Christians live together in peace....

A Letter to My Muslim Friend

In my research and study in Christian Muslim relationships, I have been studying with other Christians and Muslims the images of Jesus in the Bible and the Qur’an, and the interesting conversation between these “two Jesus'”. Recently, we ended our study together where we all had to write a...
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