Sports for Peace
Fr. Chema Caballero, a Xaverian Missionary who worked in Sierra Leone for many years will teach a class on sport and peace initiatives as part of the master’s degree the University of Oberta in Catalina, Spain. Sports as a tool for social co-existence and conflict resolution is sponsored by UNESCO, the FC Barcelona Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya [Open University of Catalonia, UOC].
Fr. Chema has been rehabilitating child soldiers in Sierra Leone since 1999. His experience there was captured in the book ‘’Salvar a los niños soldados. La historia del misionero Chema Caballero en Sierra Leona” [Saving child soldiers: The story of the Missionary Fr. Chema Caballero in Sierra Leone] by Gervasio Sánchez.
Fr. Chema has an undergraduate degree in law, as well as a master’s degree in sociology from Long Island University in New York. Fr. Caballero designed a program that has saved more than 3,000 Sierra Leonean children.