Today in New York City and Washington DC the 9/11 UNITY WALKS took place. 9/11 Unity Walk brings together people of all ages, backgrounds and faiths to learn to respect each other through a framework of experiential education, compassionate leadership and intentional service. Unity Walk seeks to create a world where we are united, rather than divided, by our many faiths.
Unity Walk Awards
9/11 Unity Walk celebrates Compassionate Leaders who have promoted interfaith understanding and 9/11 Unity Walk’s mission locally, nationally or internationally. Read about the leaders we honored at Meridian International Center in 2011!
Faith Traditions
Basic knowledge about different faith traditions improves mutual comprehension and collaboration. In addition to the Annual Walk Event, 9/11 Unity Walk sponsors fun, informative events such as Diverse Cuisines throughout the year (sign up for our mailing list to get the details).
Youth Service
Because starting young makes a big difference to lifelong understanding and service, 9/11 Unity Walk facilitates Interfaith Youth Action Groups (IYAGs) in the community. Learn more. Interested in starting your own IYAG? Contact them!
This year the walk was for and with the Sikh Community after the horrific shootings in Wisconsin and for all victims of bigotry and hate. Our Sikh brothers and sisters will have a presence on the Walk. “From Different Paths, We Walk as One.”
Contact the Xaverian Missionaries for participation next year