1st Mass of Fr. Santaniez in Sierra Leone, Africa

The Choir Raising Voices of PraiseJoven sitting with friends in the congregationFrs. Patrick and Victor with the choirGreeting the people after massReceiving communionFrs. Patrick and Victor during mass
Frs. Patrick and VictorThe raising of the cupThe doxology of the massJoven receives communion during the massFr. Victor and Fr. Patrick speak to the congregationDuring Offertory, gifts are brought to the altar
A baby is blessedFr. Patrick and Fr. Victor with the choirFr. Patrick and meeting the peopleJoven, our Filipino student, being introduced to the peopleFr. Patrick with a friendJoven and Fr. Patrick with some youth
Dancing as part of the massDancing during the offertoryFr. Victor proclaims the gospelFr. Patrick with friends at the altarThe entrance processionJoven being introduced to the congregation

Fr. Patrick Santaniez, the first Filipino to be ordained a priest returned to Sierra Leone, Africa recently where he celebrated his first mass with the people.

Joven, a Xaverian student from the Philippines begins a two experience in Sierra Leone as he prepares for priesthood.

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