Ways to Help The Missionary Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima
Our Missionary Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima has become a special place of silence, prayer, mission, and meditation. It is a focal point for pilgrimages, days of recollection, retreats, education, and Interfaith programs. As you visit this Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, please know that the prayers of the Xaverian Missionaries are with you. We ask you to pray for our mission to proclaim Christ to those yet to know Him across borders of any kind.
Donations are always appreciated for the support of the Shrine and the Mission Ministry of the Xaverian Missionaries. Leave a legacy by including Fatima Shrine in your will.
Fr. Carl Chudy, SX
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Ways You Can Help
1) Cameras for Live Streaming
Special events require the use of cameras and sound equipment that provide opportunities to stream activities beyond the shrine. Special masses, events in the hall, or special occasions on the shrine are some of the places where this equipment is useful.
Suggested donation: $2,000.00
2) The Laudato Si Project (Care for our Common Home)
We are restoring about one-third of the shrine's property to meadowlands and sustaining our Bee Project. The project is called "The Laudato Si Project" after Pope Francis's encyclical on Care for our Common Home. Your donation is appreciated
Suggested donation: $500.00.
3) Christmas Light Display
We hope to renew the Christmas lights mission display for next year. It is a yearly tradition that has gone on for many years, drawing large crowds for Christmas.
Suggested donation: $1000.00
4) The Planting of Trees
As we have been removing old and dead trees, we are looking to replace them with new tree growth throughout the shrine. Trees may be planted as memorials for loved ones, which include a small plaque.
Suggested Donation: $500.00 each
5) Our Lady of Fatima Historical Display
We want to display in beautiful signage the six apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima, which she appeared in Fatima, Portugal, from May 13, 1917, to October 13, 1917.
Suggested donation: $1,500.00 each
6) Self-Guided Audio Tours of the Shrine
Equipment and production for self-guided audio tours of the shrine grounds. This includes special prayers that may be listened, along with music other devotions as you walk through the shrine.
Suggestion donation: $1,000.00
7) Stump Removal
We need to remove a large stump in front of the gift shop from a felled tree in a past storm.
Suggested donation: $500.00
8) Pledges and Grants
Make a quarterly, monthly, or weekly donation, or perhaps your company provides matching grants. One-time donations are always deeply appreciated. Contact us.
9) Removal of Old Restroom building
Many years ago there was a separate building for restrooms on the shrine. Today is not used and needs to be demolished.
Suggested donation: $5,000.00
10) Water Fountain and Stage Repair at Picnic Area
The water fountain at the picnic area needs to be repaired. The underground piping that leads back to the well is leaking. The stage, too, needs repair.