The Mission and Vision of the Xaverian Missionaries USA

Inspired by St. Guido Conforti and St. Francis Xavier, we Xaverian Missionaries serve to keep the local Church aware of, engaged with, and connected to the missionary mandate of the universal Church, principally by witnessing an image of Jesus who welcomes all to encounter and dialogue. We understand the Missio Ad Gentes to be the proclamation of Jesus Christ through:

Intercultural dialogue: We witness the multicultural richness of the local church through our relationships with various cultural groups in our communities.
• Interfaith dialogue: be it formal or informal, bringing together communities of different faiths in the interfaith dialogue of life, study, religious experience, justice, and spirituality.
• Advocacy for and solidarity with the poor.
• Sharing the life and legacy of the Founder, St. Guido Conforti, including proposing a lifetime commitment to our congregation.
• Telling the story and witness of our missionaries and our own lives in the varieties of ministries and countries where we serve.

As a community from a variety of cultural and continental backgrounds, we are messengers of God’s love, witnesses of hope, and builders of God’s Kingdom, together becoming an example to the wider Church and world community that it is possible to be one as Jesus wills.

The three-fold commitment of the USA delegation that undergirds all our plans and efforts are:

Inspire a new generation to the Missio Ad gentes, Ad extra of the Church in all possible lifestyles and ministries today, particularly to a lifetime commitment as a Xaverian Missionary.

To engage in interfaith and intercultural dialogue as a new way of mission animation to witness our mission for the local church and to encourage their involvement. The Missio Ad Gentes begins at home.

To continue inviting friends to collaborate with us in our vision and mission as a region through our fundraising and development efforts and outreach to our missions worldwide in these changing times.

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