Spiritual Journeys of Christians and Muslims that Intersect at Holy Week and Ramadan
The author, Dorothy Buck is the USA coordinator for the Badilya Prayer Movement. Badaliya is an Arabic word that means to take the place of or substitute for another. It is a spiritual term that lies at the heart of the Christian faith experience and refers to the mystery of...
The Synod of the Church 2021-2024: The Continent of Asia Meets
The Synod of the Church, called by Pope Francis in 2021 and culminating in 2024, is an incremental opportunity to involve the whole church in a dialogue about our present and future in an ever-evolving and changing world. We present the work of the continental assembly of Asia. Baan...
Xaverian Missionary Appointed as Auxiliary Bishop of Belem, Brazil
Pope Francis has appointed our confrere Fr. Paolo Andreolli, S.X., as Auxiliary Bishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Belém do Pará, Brazil, assigning him the titular see of Altava. Fr. Paolo Andreolli, S.X. was born on 16 December 1972 in Noventa Vicentina (VI). He entered the Institute of Vicenza...
Christian Unity and the United Church of Christ
Reverend Bonnie Steinroeder | Minister, First Congregational Church of Holliston, MA, USA January 18-25, 2023 is the yearly celebration and awareness-building opportunity of The Week of Christian Unity. The World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Joint Commission on the Week of Prayer for...
In our new presence in Morocco, Fr. Moll, a Xaverian Missionary from Chad, Africa, shares his initial experience engaging with Muslims as a Catholic missionary. A heart that loves people but a head that does not learn the language: I have been in Morocco for two years now. It...
Interfaith Dialogue with Buddhists and our Seminarians in Indonesia
Stanislas Fritz Prasetyo sx “Buddhism and its relevance in the modern world” was the topic of the interreligious dialogue activity held by the Xaverian Philosophy Community of Jakarta on October 29, 2022. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, interreligious dialogue has been carried out through zoom meetings. For the first time after the pandemic, we were...
Synthesis Report for the Continental Stage of the Synod
The Holy See in the Vatican presented on October 28, 2022, the synthesis report for the beginning of the continental stage of the synod. The following is a summary of L’Oservatore Romano. At the end of the article, you may download the full report. It is a useful tool,...
Interfaith Solidarity, Anti-Semitism, and Erev Yom Kippur
Reverend Bonnie Steinroeder, pastor of First Congregational Church in Holliston, Massachusetts, and I were recently invited to evening prayer services with our Jewish neighbors and friends at Temple Beth Torah for Yom Kippur. Our friendships were forged through close connections between the Christian churches in town and the local synagogue some years ago....
Pope Francis: Respecting the diversity of world religions is not relativism
The interreligious contribution of Pope Francis continued recently during his recent trip to Kazakhstan. Below is some of the text of Pope Francis’ weekly Wednesday audience, delivered on Sept. 21, 2022. What do you think? Share with us your comments and prayers that contribute to bringing us all together....
Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s Statement of Migrants Unexpectedly Flown to Massachusetts from Florida
“I would like to begin this week sharing with you a statement I issued earlier today on the situation of the immigrants and refugees who unexpectedly arrived on Martha’s Vineyard”: Immigration policies and practices stand as an abiding moral, legal and political challenge to our Commonwealth and our country....