Peacemaking in the Cultural Wars of Christmas

We ran across the blog of Rachel Held Evens which brings an insightful point to what some have called the cultural wars of Christmas. Some Catholics and other Christians imagine a kind of “persecution” from our non-Christian friends, religious or not by imagining that Christ can be “taken out of...

Facing Ebola at our Parish St. Guido Conforti, Makeni, Sierra Leone

Fr. Girolamo Pistoni, Xaverian Missionary, points toward Sierra Leone his home Fr. Girolamo Pistoni, Xaverian Missionary and pastor of our parish, St. Guido Conforti in Makeni, Sierra, shares his experience as the parish grapples with the terrible effects of the Ebola Virus.  When the virus Ebola hit the Northern...

Bringing the Embrace of God during Ebola Crisis

Fr. Patrick with three of his students at the Catholic High School. by Fr. Patrick Santianez, SXXaverian Missionary working in Sierra Leone, West AfricaPope Francis entrusted to us consecrated men and women the task of bringing the embrace of God to all not only by our words (by our...

The African continent: humanity’s spiritual “lung”

Staff of the Africa Faith Justice Network, along with others Pope Benedict XVI used these words to describe the great spiritual heritage of African peoples for themselves and all of the world. At the beginning of the twentieth century there were only two million Catholics in Africa. Today, the...

The Complex and Interesting Landscape of Atheist/Theist Dialogue

The Xaverian Missionaries undertook a special project of dialogue between atheists and religious believers a couple of years ago called the COMMON GROUND PROJECT. It began with the organization of an international conference at our Conforti Institute in Coatbridge, Scotland in November 2013. Since then a number of interesting...

Dialogue: a Catholic Response to Violence and Fear

by Bishop Denis MadenThis summer saw heartbreaking acts of violence throughout the world, especially in the Middle East, with the near eradication of Iraq’s ancient Christian communities by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the execution of American journalist James Foley. Atrocities can shock us into...

The Challenge of World Mission Sunday 2014

With the persecution of Christian, Muslim and religious minorities in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia and the scourge of Ebola in West Africa where our men work, there is much to pray for, ponder and learn, and do in the name of the mercy and compassion of  Jesus...

“Diversity not as a threat, but as gift to be received with gratitude…”

The 26th Annual NAIN Connect Conference by Fr. Michael Davitti SX, Director Interfaith Outreach USA Xaverian Missionaries specializing in Buddhism The Inter-Faith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit hosted the 26th North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) Connect Conference: “Bridging Borders and Boundaries” on the Wayne State University campus from Sunday August...

An Alternative Route on the Road Map for Peace

Muslims and Christians protecting each other in Egypt during recent reprisalsagainst coptic Christians by extremists. Why the senseless violence? Why the boundless bloodshed? These questions are often asked about the conflict between Israelis and the Palestinians. But it hasn’t always been so. Franciscan priests and archaeologists Virgilio C. Corbo...
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