Called to Ecological Conversion

We ran across this fine reflection that helps us understand the concerns of Pope Francis and the whole Church since the publication of his encyclical, On Care of our Common Home. This reflection was actually given in 2011 which speaks of the concerns of our faith and and stewardship...

Mr. Foday Kamara: Muslim and Catechist

Fr. Louis Birabaluge, SX is a Xaverian Missionary who works in Sierra Leone, West Africa, where the predominant religious faith is Islam. Our relationship with our Muslim friends is very good and we collaborate on many things. Here is a very interesting story of interfaith collaboration.  Since 1965, the...

Christian perfection is not the privilege of a few

Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai Vatican City August 3, 2015 To read one’s own personal history in faith is often an exercise in deepening the awareness of God’s loving presence in one’s own life. That is why Pope Francis invites us to experience the joy of encountering Christ and to...


By Fr. Vito Scagliuso, SX Driven out of China, where they had been working in the Honan for over 50 years and had founded the dioceses of Cheng-chow and Loyang, the Xaverian Missionaries had to find new hospitable shores in order to continue the work initiated four centuries before...

Secular Humanists and Religious Believers Connecting on Common Ground

By Fr. Carl Chudy, SX The Xaverian Missionaries USA are pleased to announce a conference of dialogue between secular humanists and religious believers called COMMON GROUND: GROWING UNDERSTANDING & COOPERATION BETWEEN RELIGIOUS BELIEVERS AND SECULAR HUMANISTS.  It will take place October 8 at Rutgers University, from 8 am to...

The Whirlwind–Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran

By Father John Crossin, OSFS A small but powerful whirlwind blew through Washington a few weeks ago in the person of Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. His visit included major addresses at the Nostra Aetate Symposium at the Catholic University of America, and...

Pope Francis & Rabbi Skorka: Forging a Deeper Relationship

Ruth Broyde Sharone – TIO Correspondent “The Grandeur that You See in the Other” There may come a moment in long-standing interfaith friendships when individuals deeply devoted to their religious traditions notice how the differences that separate them from their dialogue partner begin to recede or even dissolve. While recognizing...

Pope Francis & Rabbi Skorka: Forging a Deeper Relationship

Ruth Broyde Sharone – TIO Correspondent “The Grandeur that You See in the Other” There may come a moment in long-standing interfaith friendships when individuals deeply devoted to their religious traditions notice how the differences that separate them from their dialogue partner begin to recede or even dissolve. While recognizing...

Schools in Sierra Leone Open Sporadically After Nine Month Ebola Shutdown

Fr. Franciskus Xaverius Sudarmanto (pictured above saying mass), or as his friends call him, “Sudar,” reports on the spotty opening of schools after being shutdown throughout the country for nine months due to the Ebola Crisis. Presently, even though neighboring Liberia, Sierra Leone has not been declared Ebola free...

An Easter Reflection on What Christians and Atheists have in Common

In light of our dialogue work with Atheists and Humanists, we found this article by John L. Allen, Jr. in Crux to be quite thought provoking.  We re-present his article for you here with the one caveat. Mr. Allen seems to naively equate Atheists with  Richard Dawkins or Christopher...
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