Courage to Proclaim The Diversity of God's Kingdom in a Fearful World

Fr. Carl Chudy, SX On Sunday January 10, in the chilly air of central New Jersey with sisters Jennifer and Carolyn Herring, we visited the historic Muslim community in Old Bridge, New Jersey. We tried to represent the work of Groundwell in a growing atmosphere of anti-Muslim sentiment and...

Connecting the Dots: The Religious Challenge Submerged in Global Climate Change

“Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters in a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each…and which also unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth. Pope Francis,” Laudato Si (2015) Where...

Jubilee of Mercy for Catholics, Jews, and Muslims

Opening the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica and the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis also hopes to open a year of “fervent dialogue” among Christians, Muslims and Jews, so that all who profess faith in a merciful God may be stronger in showing mercy toward one another. The...

On the Way: Lutheran and Catholic Churches Come Closer Together

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and the Catholic Church released a very important document entitled: Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry, and Eucharist. The heart of the Declaration is the Statement of Agreements. On church, ministry and Eucharist, the Declaration draws together a litany of 32 consensus statements, where...

The Final Vows of Sister Susana Miranda Jimenez

  On October 8, 2015, Sister Susana Miranda Jimenez professed her final vows as a religious missionary sister with the Xaverian Missionary of Mary Sisters. Sr. Susi (as we lovingly call her) is from Mexico and spent considerable time in her dedication to the Lord and to the global...

Let’s JAM: Believers and Non-Believers Find Common Ground

Jessica Xiao is Project Assistant for the American Humanist Association and this article was take from The Xaverian Missionaries USA collaborated with the AHA in this wonderful project which we hope we create new circles of dialogue, collaboration, and action. “Common ground” is a term that gets used...

Let's JAM: Believers and Non-Believers Find Common Ground

Jessica Xiao is Project Assistant for the American Humanist Association and this article was take from The Xaverian Missionaries USA collaborated with the AHA in this wonderful project which we hope we create new circles of dialogue, collaboration, and action. “Common ground” is a term that gets used...

Interfaith Dialogue is Not as Pointless as We Like to Think

The Xaverian Missionaries USA is collaborating with the American Humanist Association and Rutgers University in New Jersey on a special conference that brings humanists, atheists, and religious believers together to search our common ground, looking to what lies beyond dialogue: collaborative efforts to heal a divided world. We would like...

The transforming power of New York in the life of some Italian Youth

By Fr. Michael Davitti, SX On Wed. August 12th, a group of 22 Youth from Florence, Italy, visited the Xaverian community of Wayne, NJ. They were coming from Columbus, Ohio, where they had been hosted by Central Ohio Technical College. During their stay, they met Senator Jay Hottinger, who...
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