Time to Reopen?

Many countries are lifting the stay-home orders, about 30 states in US are doing that and Italy while we are recording this episode is preparing to the “fase-2” the “second-step”. But are we ready to reopen? Is it time to do that? Let’s going to talk about that…...

Between Hope and Social Distancing

Hi everybody,Welcome to my new podcast channel: Mission Outlook It’s going to be a space to think about what’s happening in the world with a new perspective: the missionary outlook. Before starting, I want to introduce myself:This is Pietro Rossini, I’m Italian and I’m a Xaverian Missionary. The Xaverian...

Coronavirus: A New Outlook

Pietro Rossini, a Xaverian Missionary introduces his first podcast of the series entitled, Mission Outlook. In light the pandemic, Covid-19, what is our response from all over the world? We have come to appreciate the simple gifts more, life and love, and there is one response: gratitude....

Xaverian Missionary Leadership from Around the World Gather in Parma, Italy

Fr. Pietro Rossini, SX – Secretary of Cosuma 2024 On June 9th, at the San Guido Maria Conforti Sanctuary, located at the Mother House of the Xaverian Missionaries in Parma, the opening Mass of COSUMA 2024 took place. This meeting involves all the superiors of the Xaverians from around...

The Interfaith Movement, US Presidential Elections & A Diverse Democracy

Fr. Carl Chudy, SX Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, Bishop of the Diocese of San Antonio, Texas, profoundly stated in light of upcoming presidential elections: “Christians are not a social club that gathers on Sundays to receive nice-sounding catchphrases. We are to be a constant influence in society. Our identity as...

Life Beyond Religious Trauma: A Podcast of a Survivor of Clergy Sexual Abuse

The fourth episode is recently published of a podcast of a friend and survivor of clergy sexual abuse, Jessica McGuire. Together with her therapist, Dr. Russell Surveyer and Fr. Carl Chudy, an advocate for survivors of clergy abuse, they share conversation about Jessica’s own experience, her courage to heal,...

Bear Fruit in Faith: A Meaningful Experience of Conversion

10 April 2024 | Aurea Gita (Indonesia) | Our thanks from the Xaverian Missionaries in the Philippines Embracing a new faith is a profound and deeply personal journey, often triggered by significant life events or deep realizations. For many raised in the Islamic tradition, the path to conversion to Catholicism...

Building Bridges: From Parma, Italy to Morocco

Fr. Pietro Rossini, SX The author, Fr. Pietro Rossini, studied at Boston University and earned a Masters in Science in Journalism. He was assigned to our community at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine and was ordained a deacon at the local parish, St. Mary’s Church in Holliston, Massachusetts. Presently...

The Xaverian Martyrs in Uvira: The Vibrant Tribute of the Catholic Church

1 APRIL 2024 BY FATSHIMETRIE Grateful to the Citizen’s Blog of Fatshimetrie for this post The upcoming beatification ceremony of the Xaverian missionaries martyred in Uvira in 1964 is a highly anticipated event, filled with reverence and remembrance. Scheduled for August 18, 2024, this ceremony will pay tribute to the...
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