Fresh News from the Worldwide Network of the Xaverian Missionaries – 11.08.2024
13 Young Missionaries Take Their Final Vows as Xaverian Missionaries INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGATE, MEXICO CITY: PERPETUAL PROFESSIONS On Sunday, November 3rd, 2024, at 12:00, in the chapel of the International Theologate, Mexico City, our confreres Yulianus Agung, Vinsensius Rusae, David Alejandro Figueroa Rodríguez and Mali Yedrianus will make their Perpetual...
Fresh News from the Worldwide Network of the Xaverian Missionaries – 10.12.2024
THE VICAR GENERAL, FR. MAURO LODA AND GENERAL COUNCILLOR FR. FELIPE DE JESÚS OROZCO LÓPEZ WILL VISIT USA DELEGATION On Friday, October 18th, 2024, Frs. Mauro Loda and Felipe de Jesús López Orozco will set out for a visit to the confreres of the USA Delegation. Fr. Mauro Loda will...
A Church That Accompanies: Reflection on the Challenges of the Synod of the Church from Fr. Tomas Halik
The Synod on Synodality is a three-year process of listening and dialogue, beginning with a solemn opening in Rome on October 9 and 10, 2021, and each individual diocese and church celebrating the following week on October 17. The synodal process will conclude in 2024. Pope Francis invites the...
Fresh News of the Xaverian Missionaries’ Worldwide Network – 9.24.24
“MAISON DES MARTYRS DE LA FRATERNITÉ DU BURUNDI” – BURUNDI, AFRICA: THE BEGINNING OF SEMINARY LIFE On Saturday, September 14th, 2024, 33 young people from different Xaverian regions and delegations in Africa officially started their Pre-noviciate year in the community of Xaverian Noviciate and Pre-noviciate of Bujumbura: “Maison des...
Fresh News from the Xaverian Missionaries Worldwide Network
August 29, 2024 RUTENG CATHEDRAL, FLORES ISLAND – INDONESIA: ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD On Monday, August 26th, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. (local time), in Ruteng Cathedral, Flores Island, Indonesia, our Xaverian confrere Yuventus Yonavan Cahyono will be ordained priest through the laying on of hands and the prayer of ordination of...
Fresh News from the Xaverian Missionaries’ Worldwide Network
“OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE” PARISH – MARIKINA – MANILA – PHILIPPINES: SUPER TYPHOON “CARINA” On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in the early morning, the volume of water in the Marikina River reached an alarming level due to the continued rain brought by super typhoon Carina. From the manageable 14...
Fresh News from Xaverian Missionaries Worldwide Network
INDONESIA: FIRST RELIGIOUS AND MISSIONARY PROFESSIONS On Sunday, July 14th, 2024, at 10:30 a.m., in the Chapel of the Xaverian Novitiate, Bintaro, Jakarta (Indonesia), the novices will make their First Religious and Missionary Profession. Before each name is the “Profession number”: 2636 – DASMAN Gabriel (24, from Manggarai –...
Bishop George Biguzzi, Long Time Bishop of Sierra Leone, West Africa Passes to Eternity
From the Website of the General Direction of the Xaverian Missionaries in Rome On Monday 01 July 2024, at 04.15 am, our brother bishop Giorgio Biguzzi died at the hospital in Parma, Italy. He was 88 years old, having been born on 4 February 1936 in Calisese, municipality of...
Xaverian Missionary Leadership from Around the World Gather in Parma, Italy
Fr. Pietro Rossini, SX – Secretary of Cosuma 2024 On June 9th, at the San Guido Maria Conforti Sanctuary, located at the Mother House of the Xaverian Missionaries in Parma, the opening Mass of COSUMA 2024 took place. This meeting involves all the superiors of the Xaverians from around...
The Interfaith Movement, US Presidential Elections & A Diverse Democracy
Fr. Carl Chudy, SX Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, Bishop of the Diocese of San Antonio, Texas, profoundly stated in light of upcoming presidential elections: “Christians are not a social club that gathers on Sundays to receive nice-sounding catchphrases. We are to be a constant influence in society. Our identity as...