The Song of the Desert
Fr. Carl Chudy, SX Recently, a friend messaged me in Facebook, venting she later shared with me, her frustrations about the present mood of the country, with the large numbers of people expressing their difficulties with the direction of the new US Administration. She says, “All this hate, judgmental name calling...
Pope Francis’ Message for World Day of Peace
MESSAGE OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE FIFTIETH WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 JANUARY 2017 1. At the beginning of this New Year, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to the world’s peoples and nations, to heads of state and government, and to religious, civic and community leaders....
Pope Francis' Message for World Day of Peace
MESSAGE OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE FIFTIETH WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 JANUARY 2017 1. At the beginning of this New Year, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to the world’s peoples and nations, to heads of state and government, and to religious, civic and community leaders....
My Interfaith Journey
Fr. Carl Chudy, SX My initial encounters with Islam began while I was studying theology at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. The ecumenical and interfaith possibilities were abundant there. During my internship as a theology student I worked for two years in Sierra Leone, West Africa. There it is...
Rainy Season: It’s the Time of the Farmers
The Xaverian Missionaries have been working in Sierra Leone, West Africa since the early 1950’s. Today many challenges mark the growing Church in the predominately Muslim nation. Fr. Sudarmanto, one of our Indonesian missionary priests, shares his experience. Like Advent that marks time in faith, so too the rainy...
Rainy Season: It's the Time of the Farmers
The Xaverian Missionaries have been working in Sierra Leone, West Africa since the early 1950’s. Today many challenges mark the growing Church in the predominately Muslim nation. Fr. Sudarmanto, one of our Indonesian missionary priests, shares his experience. Like Advent that marks time in faith, so too the rainy...
Interfaith Opportunities for Christians at Advent
The Interfaith Observer, one of the most important resources for interfaith dialogue today in the United States, recently featured a useful blog post from Vicki Garlock on interfaith opportunities for Christians at Advent. Although Advent is a special Christian period of expectation and hope, it is also a time...
Gratitude, stupor and thankfulness
Fr. Michael Davitti, SX “Nunc dimittis….” and “My soul glorifies the Lord…” Thanksgiving is possible only at the end: when the harvest has been gathered in and when life approaches its end. A glance at the life that has passed, the awareness that we were never alone, that our...
Murder in Burundi: the man who knew too much
How the killing of three elderly nuns set the country’s leading human rights activist on a collision course with its most powerful general We share with you a recent investigative report on the background story referring to the murder of three Xaverian sisters in Burundi, Africa two years ago....
Part I: The Catholic Bleed & Community Outside the Church
We will be running a blog series on the departure of our young people from the Church and how we need to understand this as well draw lesson on how we innovate the ways we share Christ with our young people. We encourage you to accompany us in this dialogue...