A Letter to My Muslim Friend

In my research and study in Christian Muslim relationships, I have been studying with other Christians and Muslims the images of Jesus in the Bible and the Qur’an, and the interesting conversation between these “two Jesus'”. Recently, we ended our study together where we all had to write a...

How Christians and Muslims Flourish Together in These Times

  Fr. Carl Chudy, SX On October 27th and 28th, I had the distinct opportunity to join Christians and Muslims in the Farmington Valley area of Connecticut in a special program entitled, “How Christians and Muslims Flourish Together in these Times.” It was a conference featuring keynote speakers, workshops...

The Lord of the Miracles

A post shared by James Martin SJ (@jamesmartinsj) on Oct 22, 2017 at 11:33am PDT Recently I came across an Instagram post of Fr. James Martin, SJ filming a special Peruvian Catholic devotion called the Lord of the Miracles in New York City.  It reminded me of the traffic...

World Mission Sunday 2017

Every third Sunday of October the Church worldwide celebrates a special commemoration called World Mission Sunday. We celebrate the opportunity as Christians we have to receive Christ, in order to share Him in every corner of the earth. Take a look at the message of Pope Francis for this year’s...

International Peace Day, September 21

Take a look at the PEACE CHANNEL. Come back to it often as we heal the wounds of our divisions and violence. Just click the post title!! PeaceChannel...

Different Faiths, One Desire Meet in New York

Fr. Carl Chudy, SX If you ever heard the joke about a priest, rabbi, and imam who got together, you may find it delightfully surprising that priests, rabbis, and imams, among other religious believers get together with great frequency all over the world, even in White Plains, New York,...

Who Do You Say I Am?

Fr. Joe Matteucig, superior of our community in Holliston, Massachusetts, delivered an inspiring homily on the Sunday gospel for the 21st week in ordinary time.  (Matthew 16: 13-20) The image above is the name of Jesus written in the ancient Aramaic style. The gospels record several very pointed, poignant,...

Challenges of the Church in Alto Solimões, Brazil

Tucked in the triple border between Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, southwest of the state of Amazonas, the diocese of Altos Solimões, faces major challenges to promote evangelization in the largest biome on the planet. According to Bishop Adolfo Zon Pereira, bishop of the diocese, the first challenge is that...

Calling Out the Real Evil

Mr. Ed Mechmann is the Director of Public Policy and the Safe Environment Program for the Archdiocese of New York. Recently he shared this blog post on STEPPING OUT OF THE BOAT, his own blog for the Archdiocese. In the aftermath of #Charlottesville and so many other tragedies, we...

Social and Political Ecumenism from Africa

In the light of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and the great progress of dialogue between the Catholic Church the the Lutheran Church, we wanted to share a perspective from our mission in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Fr. Luis Birabaluge, Xaverian Missionary in Sierra Leone shares with us...
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