Global Unity in Christ and the Martyrs of Burundi
In the light of the many narratives of division throughout the world, including Africa, the Bishops of Burundi, Africa, where the Xaverian Missionaries have worked for a number of decades, are working to celebrate the lives of recent martyrs of the country. Through this they wish to show that...
Eternal Mothers
The founder of the Xaverian Missionaries, St. Guido Conforti, found it essential in the the early years of the Institute to share with the Church artifacts of the local cultures where we serve in different parts of the world. It is one way to share the cultural richness of...
In Memory of the Charleston Nine
On June 17, 2015, Dylan Roof, a white supremacist, walked into the African American Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, North Carolina and killed nine people while they held a bible study. On August 5, 2012 a white supremacist, Michael Page walked into a Sikh Temple (Gurdwara) and killed six...
Vatican Message for the Month of Ramadan and ‘Id Al-Fitr 2019
In another week the time of Ramadan for our Muslim neighbors will be completed. The Vatican shared a letter to all Muslims to commemorate the occasion and its meaning for Christians and Muslims. Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, The month of Ramadan with its dedication to fasting, prayer and...
In Conversation with My Muslim Classmate
I wanted to share a correspondence between my classmate and friend, Charles and I. He is the father of a Muslim family and we had a correspondence I wanted to share. Fr. Carl Chudy, SX Carl, Regarding interreligious programming, I agree that it is important to come together with...
Jesus is Indeed Savior
On this Sunday April 14, the Church celebrates the Passion Sunday which we commonly call the Palms Sunday. It is the Passion Sunday because we listen to the passage of the gospel which talks of the suffering of Jesus, that is, how Jesus was flogged, forced to carry the...
Pope Francis’ New Exhortation for Youth: Christ Lives@
By Seàn-Patrick Lovett of Vatican News “Christ is alive and He wants you to be alive!” The opening lines of the Apostolic Exhortation set both the tone and the content of the Pope’s message. But the closing lines are what make the document an “exhortation” in the true sense...
Pope Francis' New Exhortation for Youth: Christ Lives@
By Seàn-Patrick Lovett of Vatican News “Christ is alive and He wants you to be alive!” The opening lines of the Apostolic Exhortation set both the tone and the content of the Pope’s message. But the closing lines are what make the document an “exhortation” in the true sense...
Formation Directors of the Xaverian Missionaries in Asia
Formation directors from the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Indonesia, who train our seminarians throughout Aisa, gathered in Indonesia. Here is an account of their work. On the first day, we start our meeting with recollection guided by Father General, Fernando Garcia. This activity aims at inviting all the participants to...
Confession of a Flawed Brother Among Brothers
Several years ago I wrote this little reflection to my confreres as an active exercise in humility,lessons I always struggle with as a Lenten reflection. Ego, insecurity, and self defensiveness can often be the nexus for new infidelities and compromised love. I share them again as yet another cathartic...