Rise, Take up Your Mat and Walk in a Pandemic

Fr. Carl Chudy shares a gospel reflection as part of a series during this time when churches and activities are suspended. Protestant clergy friends also share as we rotate our message series together. The other partners in this series are: Rev. Bonnie Steinroeder of First Congregational Church, Rev. Mark...

Our Lenten Journey in a Time of the Coronavirus

In a Time of Exile In the liturgy for Monday of the second week of Advent, we hear the early part of the long prayer of the Prophet Daniel in his ninth chapter. It is marked by deep awareness of sin and failure around the time of the Babylonian...

A Young Adult Reads “The Redeeming Mission of the Church.”

Redemptoris Missio, or redeeming mission, was promulgated in 1990 by St. Pope John Paul II to provide a new vision of mission for the church in an increasingly changing and pluralistic world. It remains the the most significant understanding of the Church’s understanding of global mission today. We asked...

God Between the Lines

Fr. Carl Chudy, SX The reasons I became a Xaverian Missionary are not exactly the reasons I continue to be religious missionary in the church today. My life has evolved and changed over the many years and I have many unpredictable experiences that shape my understanding of faith and...

Kishōtenketsu and Advent

The Xaverian Missionaries have been working in various parts of southeast and southwest Asia for many years. We wanted to share with you a wonderful post by Kris Kanardi that reflects on the first novel of Ocean Vuong entitled, On Earth We’re Briefly Gourgeous that uses an Asian method...

In the Midst of the Amazon Synod, Our Missionaries at Work

The Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region sought to identify new paths of evangelization, especially for indigenous people, and highlights the vital role the region plays in the health of the planet. Between October 6 and October 27, 2019, bishops and representatives from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French...

Catholics Reaching Out in a Shifting Religious Landscape

World Mission Sunday is October 20, 2019. During the month of October this year Pope Francis called the entire church to use the Extraordinary Month of Mission this year as an opportunity to understand more deeply our vital commitment to share our faith, to engage with our multifaith neighbors,...


” O Lord, look at millions of brothers who suffer from thirst of justice, truth, peace and love.”   Saint Guido Maria Conforti Fr. Giovanni Botton, “Gino” to his friends, was born in Carmignano del Brenta, Padova, Italy in 1908. He was the youngest of 10 siblings. His older brother Luigi became a...
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