A seed of peace in Kamenge, Africa

“You shall confirm this word through the example of a holy life, with the fruitful exercise of love, with the spirit of sacrifice… and also with the heroism of martyrdom if you are called to this too. ” (S. G. M. CONFORTI,  16th Address to departing missionaries, 13 March 1927)...

The “Forgotten” of our Dialogues in Africa

Fr. Luis Bira, SX, Xaverian Missionary in Sierra Leone, West Africa The Cameroonian Dominican Eloi Messi Metogo passed away on October 15, 2017. One of his merits has been to make us aware of the existence of unbelief in Africa. In his book – “Can God die in Africa?...

Catholics in the USA between Elections and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Fr. Carl Chudy, SX On April 26, 2020 President Donald Trump held a conference call with over 600 Catholic leaders including Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, our bishop, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston, Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles and other leaders in Catholic education. The president identified...

What Missionaries Can Teach Us in Post-Christian America

Three things American Christians can glean from our brothers and sisters on international missions. BRYAN LAUGHLIN We are reprinting an article from Christianity Today by Bryan Laughlin’s article which is very relevant for the Catholic Church, and indeed, it is at the heart of how we proclaim Christ in...

The Global Situation: Threats & Opportunities / Scenarios

Fr. Amado L. Picardal, CSsR, STDExecutive Co-Secretary, Commission for Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation (USG/UISG)  The current global situation brought about by the pandemic is characterized as volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA). There is fear, panic and uncertainty in face of an invisible enemy. The virus which...


Fr. Louis Birabaluge, SX In Burundi, the Xaverian sisters and missionaries have transformed a place of horror into a place of prayer for mercy and peace. It is the house where three Xaverian sisters, of Italian origin, had been murdered. On Sunday September 7, 2014, the bodies of the sisters Olga...

St. Pope John Paul II & Muhammad of Islam

Fr. Carl Chudy, SX Recently, we remembered the 100th birthday of St. Pope John Paul II. My mother, who greatly admired this pope, recently sent me a book of his writings and I wanted to share some thoughts with you from his, Crossing the Threshold of Hope (1994) regarding...

St. Guido Conforti: A Heart that Encompassed All the World and Every Culture

“Saint Guido Maria Conforti: a tireless weaver of family relationships among non-Christians. An open, fraternal, tender and solidary heart with every human being in times of distress, tears and death of the Covid 19 Pandemic.” Fr. Luigi Marchioron, SX is a Xaverian Missionary and head of our theology community...

Dancing Our Life

“…so that everyone who believes in him…may have eternal life.” John 3:16-18. by Fr. Tony B. Lalli, SX | Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Holliston, MA The late presdient of Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta, liked to invite the ambassadors to his country to the celebration of the national feast days...

Blessings Meditation by Br. David Steindhl-Rast

In his beloved book 99 Blessings: An Invitation to Life, Br. David Steindl-Rast writes, “Blessing, rightly understood, is the invisible bloodstream pulsating through the universe — alive and life-giving.” Each and every moment, we can cultivate deeper awareness of the blessing of simply being alive, greater appreciation for all...
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