Global Mission Resources for Schools
Fostering the Missionary Spirit through Education

“The Church in the United States must do her part in fulfilling God’s plan to reach the ends of the earth with Christ’s love. It is vitally important that those who are involved in the teaching ministry of the Church spread the Word. There are many ways to accomplish this: forming a network of concern and prayer for missions; inviting others to consider becoming missionaries; encouraging others to support missions with financial contributions. The Holy Spirit has given to those responsible for the formation of the disciples of this age a special grace to enlighten the minds of others. It is our hope that these minds will join more enthusiastically in our mission to the nations.“
Teaching The Spirit Of Mission Ad Gentes: Continuing Pentecost Today, A Statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops June 2005
Global Sisters Report: In the Classroom
GSR in the Classroom shines a light on the mission and ministry of Catholic women religious around the world. Each lesson connects articles about sisters or columns written by sisters to the good news found in scripture and church teaching. Action ideas and compelling prayer bring new learning alive. Teacher guides provide vital context and engaging activities to launch group discussions.
Documents of the United States Catholic Bishops & Propagation of the Faith
- MISSIO Resources for Missionary Discipleship
- USCCB: To the Ends of the Earth
- Teaching the Spirit of Ad Gentes
- Best Practices to Teach the Spirit of Mission
Resources for the Environment
- Children’s Storybooks on Caring for God’s Creation
- Primer for Care of Creation
- Sustainability and Catholic Higher Education: A Toolkit for Mission Integrarion
- Friending Planet Earth: Catholic Youth Climate Change Progam
Resources from Catholic Relief Services
Education for Justice Center Resources
New Interfaith Resource Library for College Campuses
Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) provides content – including downloadable PDFs, videos, webinars, and podcasts – to support your interfaith work. These draw from our work on campus, featuring insights from institutions around the country. Browse their library to find useful resources.
Teacher and Classroom Resources
- Global Oneness Project: Stories and Lesson Plans
- Maryknoll Missionaries Teacher and Classroom Programs
- Columban Missionaries Education Programs and Resources