The Missionary Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Holliston, Massachusetts

101 Summer Street | Holliston, MA 01746 | Office 508.429.2144

Fatima Shrine Gift Shop is open Thursday through Monday,

11 AM – 6 PM. 508.429.8172

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Fr. Joeven Matugas Joins us at Fatima Shrine

Fr. Joeven Matugas will join the staff at The Missionary Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. From the Philippines, Fr. Joeven worked extensively in Sierra Leone, Africa, for about ten years. He will be arriving on April 5. Welcome Fr. Joeven.

Ecumenical Opportunities as We Approach Lent

Contact Fr. Carl at or check out our website at

Podcast Interview on the Xaverian Missionaries

The United States Catholic Mission Association, the mission arm of the US Catholic Bishops, shares Pope Francis’ dream of a missionary church. USCMA works to create a culture of mission at every level of the Church. It does that by supporting Church leaders entrusted with animating the call to proclaim, serve, and witness to the Reign of God’s love. Listen to this interview with Fr. Carl Chudy on the work of the Xaverian Missionaries today.

Laudato Si’ Project at Fatima Shrine and the Global Laudato Si Movement

Our beautiful shrine lends itself to the beauty and wonder of God that is reflected in all creation. We initiated the Laudato Si Project of Fatima Shrine. The keystone encyclical by Pope Francis in 2015, Care for Our Common Home, At our shrine, we speak often of our Fatima Bee Project and efforts to increase pollinators in our community, the restoration of Meadowlands in certain areas of the shrine, and efforts to increase monarch butter/fly populations at the shrine.

We want to connect our efforts at Fatima Shrine with the prominent Catholic Movement of the LS Movement that is active worldwide. We will be encouraging your participation and prayer on different fronts. Take a look at the Laudato Si Movement website. Here is a prayer guide for FebruaryHere is a Catholic appeal to the new president and all of America.

Glimpses of the Shrine

Introducing Pax Christi at Fatima Shrine

The Fatima Bee Project, part of the Laudato Si Project of Fatima Shrine, is an opportunity to put the church’s teaching on caring for our typical home into practice. We are raising a small community of bees and providing pollinators for the shrine and the community as a whole. Individual and group encounters on Catholic eco-spirituality and beekeeping are available.

Contact Fr. Carl Chudy at or 862.264.7000

Butterfly Garden in Remembrance of Those Who Died of Addiction

Click here to see the slide show.

Our Lady of Fatima Shrine is embarking on a new prayer/memorial area. Some people who have lost loved ones to the current opioid crisis approached the shrine to create a Butterfly Garden of Remembrance.  There will be the opportunity to honor your loved one who died with a memorial brick that would have the loved one’s name and be permanently placed in the garden. Knowing that a loved one left this world due to addiction is not easy. The garden will give family and friends a place to reflect and pray for any faith tradition. The donation per brick will be $100.

Checks may be made to Xaverian Missionaries with Butterfly Garden in the check memo. You may use credit cards at the donate button on the top right. Please indicate that your donation is for the Butterfly Garden.

Donations are partially tax-deductible. Proceeds cover the cost of making this garden; any balance is donated to Fatima Shrine.

For more information, contact the Shrine Office at 508.429.2144 or Download the order form below. God bless you!

Contact Fr. Carl Chudy for more information about interfaith opportunities for Catholics
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