Formation Directors of the Xaverian Missionaries in Asia

Formation directors from the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Indonesia, who train our seminarians throughout Aisa, gathered in Indonesia. Here is an account of their work.

On the first day, we start our meeting with recollection guided by Father General, Fernando Garcia. This activity aims at inviting all the participants to deepen their relationship with God and to look back and see, in the light of the Holy Spirit, how the formative work entrusted to us by the Congregation has so far been carried out. After recollection, Fr. Eugenio Pulcini will guide us to evaluate the document we wrote at the end of the last meeting in Jakarta (March 8, 2016), titled“For a common Xaverian Formation Project in Asia: challenges, guidelines and specific proposal”. How far have we implemented our commitment? We will be invited to deepen together the important elements that we need to see through in the field of formation according to the RFX. These two activities will be done in the first day.

On the second day, we are going to be guided by two distinguished experts. Firstly Fr. Samuel Kanilang, CMF, will present about “Consecrated Life today and in the future.” This topic aims at shading light on the formative model that should be implemented to prepare our religious candidates for today and for the future. Second speaker is Fr.Chito Dimaranan, SDB. He will speak out about Generation Z. We are talking about the children born after 1998 up to now (according to a Demographic Classification done by Don Tapscott). The characteristics of this generation are far different from our own’s (we who are currently formators). For this reason, we need to better know and understand their characteristics so as to accompany them properly, in order to achieve the aim of Xaverian formation. We will also have enough time to ask some practical questions so that the theory we receive may be implemented in our places.

On the third day, we will focus on the frailties of our Congregation which are addressed by the Documents of the XVII Gen. Chapter in the part called “Fragility”. We will reflect in particular way on the weaknesses which are addressed by nn. 28, 29 and 30 (cfr XVII GC): Xaverian identity, Family spirit and interculturality. The participants will be divided in three groups, each of which will focus on one of the three questions prepared. Then, the result of this work-group will be reported to the forum so as to enrich and make more comprehensive our work together.

On the fourth day, based on our discussion from the first day to the third day, we may talk about the important things related to our formation in Asia. We, on purpose, didn’t decide before hand on special topic today, in order to give more possibilities to all participants to raise/suggest the important topic. The participants will suggest themes and topics to be addressed. Then, the steering committee will decide which topics we are going to deal with.

On the fifth day, from morning to noon, we are going to talk about“Formative synergy between Philosophy and Theology”. We listen to Fr. Matteo Rebecchi, Rector of the Xaverian International Theologate in Manila, on his impressions and expectation about the brothers that come from our communities. We will reflect together on those elements which must be taken into particular consideration so to improve the synergy between the formative stages of Novitiate, Philosophy and Theology. In the afternoon, we will make the common formulation related to the possible cooperation that we can carry out together; some guidelines and commitments, conclusion and suggestions for the Xaverian formation in Asia. There will be a team of editors in charge of elaborating the final document

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