Filipino Xaverian Takes Final Vows in Sierra Leone, West Africa

I remember when Patrick Santianez first discerned about entering our congregation and his first entrance into the Pre-novitiate program years ago. Today we have an opportunity to see this generous heart give his life to the mission of the Church as a Xaverian Missionary, and how much more appropriate could the venue be then in Sierra Leone. Let us pray for Brother Patrick who will now prepare for ordination to the Diaconate, and for all young Xaverian Missionaries preparing for first or final vows in these months, more than 25.
Here Patrick stands in front of the Cathedral of Makeni Diocese in Sierra Leone with Fr. Munari.

Here Patrick is greeted by one of the Sisters of Charity working in Sierra Leone:

Here Patrick can be seen at the Mass of his final profession with members of his family.

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