Remembering the Sikh Gurdwara Massacre of Oak Creek, Wisconsin

Ten years ago in 2012, a white nationalist entered a Sikh gurdwara (temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin – and opened fire. Seven beloved community members were killed. It was the deadliest massacre of Sikhs on U.S. soil ever.
Too many Americans don’t remember Oak Creek. But we do. We remember the blood in the prayer hall and the bullet holes in the langar hall. We remember the lives lost. We also remember the resilience and courage of those who rose up in the face of trauma and terror in Chardi Kala – even in darkness, with ever-rising spirits.
Today we honor those who we lost: Paramjit Kaur, Prakash Singh, Ranjit Singh, Satwant Singh Kaleka, Sita Singh, Suveg Singh Khattra, and Baba Punjab Singh. See more in the NPR Story here.
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Valerie Kaur, Sikh Activist