In the Midst of the Amazon Synod, Our Missionaries at Work
The Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region sought to identify new paths of evangelization, especially for indigenous people, and highlights the vital role the region plays in the health of the planet.

Between October 6 and October 27, 2019, bishops and representatives from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela, and Suriname gathered with Pope Francis in Rome.
In light of the Synod, we wanted to highlight the work of our missionaries throughout the Amazon region of Brasil. On Sunday, September 1st, in our parish in Laranjeiras do Sul (PR) concluded a special meeting of young people after three days of formation, joy, spirituality and much excitement.

The heavy rain prevented a missionary journey to the Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida nearby, but the meeting took place normally. The Day focused primarily on spirituality, beginning with a Marian time with the prayer of the missionary rosary.
The main moment of the day was the celebration of the Eucharist in the Mother Church, with a missionary sending to the their communities and groups of origin, with the mission of bringing the love of God to the other young people as leaven in the dough.
At the end of the Mass, we thanked Santana Parish for hosting this event, the people who worked, the various coordinators, the priests present, each of the young people who were present with their creativity and joy.

After lunch all the young people took the road back home, thinking about the next meeting in 2020. Again thank you very much to the City of Laranjeiras for the effort, dedication and welcome during this event. So, see you in Piracicaba, God willing!