Fresh News from the Xaverian Missionaries Worldwide Network
August 29, 2024
On Monday, August 26th, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. (local time), in Ruteng Cathedral, Flores Island, Indonesia, our Xaverian confrere Yuventus Yonavan Cahyono will be ordained priest through the laying on of hands and the prayer of ordination of Bishop Siprianus Hormat, Bishop of Ruteng Diocese.
The celebration of the beatification of Vittorio, Luigi, Giovanni, and Albert took place in St. Peter’s Square of Uvira Cathedral from 9:30 to 13:00. It brought together about 15,000 people, who participated with attention, passion, and enthusiasm. As expected, the celebration was presided by the cardinal of Kinshasa, Mgr. Ambongo Besungu Fridolin. He was accompanied by the nuncio of the DRC, the bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bukavu (seven, including one emeritus), the president of the Episcopal Conference of Congo, and that of Burundi, the bishops of Kongolo, Kalemie-Kirungu (diocese of origin of Blessed Albert), an auxiliary of Kinshasa, the bishop of Vicenza (diocese of origin of Vittorio and Giovanni) and by the Xaverian confrere Bishop Natale Paganelli (representing the family of Blessed Luigi). Large delegations from the diocese of Uvira and Bukavu participated. Remarkable was the welcome given to the families and relatives of the martyrs: around thirty came from Italy, and about seventy from the Joubert family ( mainly from Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, and Kalemie). The Xaverian facilities in Kilomoni welcomed about 140 people. As mentioned by Father General in his words of thanksgiving, there were 45 Xaverians concelebrating, representing the various Xaverian circumscriptions the world over.
At the end of the celebration, the bishops and some of the concelebrants went in procession to the shrine of Kavimvira to place the martyrs’ relics in the fraternity chapel, where the faithful were already waiting joyfully in large numbers. Card. Ambongo recalled the meaning of the veneration of relics and the intercession of the saints. The next day, August 19, in the same shrine of Kavimvira, Mgr Muyengo, bishop of Uvira, presided over the celebration of thanksgiving and greeting of the pilgrims. During Mass, we witness the baptism of three children belonging to the family of Abbe Joubert: the blood of the martyrs continues to generate new christians. On the same day, a delegation of pilgrims, led by Fr. Gabriel Basuzwa, went by boat to Baraka to pray on the tombs of Luigi and Vittorio. Bishop Natale Paganelli celebrated a mass. The festive crowds of Baraka welcomed the families of the martyrs and thanked the Lord for the grace of holiness that has blessed this land. A sincere thanks to all and each one in particular for helping to love and make the missionary and Xaverian vocation loved. (Faustino Turco s.x.
VIDEO RECORDING of the celebration: Beatification of the four martyrs
Uvira Cathedral, D.R.C.
In the words of Alessandra Lisippo, “…This is the message that Umphang, this village on the border with Myanmar, seems to want to convey to me…The respect the children have for the adults, the ability to find solutions among themselves when they are in difficulty, the collaboration, the welcome, a value that still exists, independence, mutual help, their relationship with Fr. Alessio Crippa, all these struck me very much…”.
“…waiting for a celebration in a village teaches you not to take things for granted, and I asked myself big questions (about my own life and that of the children I work with back in Italy). Umphang is not a day, but it is an experience, a way of life in which plans are made, but everyone is ready to accept change and the unexpected without complaining (mainly the children, not us!!!). It changes your perspective and challenges you…“.
In the words of Fabio Ferraro Iusve: “… It’s always nice to get into people’s daily lives and share certain experiences I will definitely remember…”.
In the words of Asia Lanaro: “…This makes me reflect on how many differences there are between us and them, but that in the face of essential values we meet each other again: hospitality, faith and sharing…”.

Once again this year, as every year since 2003, at the request of Kitakyushu University of Industrial Medicine, on August 3rd-5th and August 18th-20th, Shinmeizan organized two short training courses on the meaning and value of human life from the (inter-)religious perspective for third-year students of said university. The request to offer these courses is made by Prof. Fujino, who directs the course General Introduction to Medical Science at that university. The religious perspective on the meaning of human life is considered complementary to the medical approach to human health. In a secularised environment, this is a precious moment of formation for students who generally have no religious affiliation. (Franco Sottocornola s.x.)

Sisters Olga Raschietti, Lucia Pulici, and Bernadette Boggia were three of our sisters. They were cruelly slaughtered ten years ago, on September 7th and 8th, 2014, in Kamenge (Burundi). Upon receiving that terrible news, we were left disbelieving, shocked, and with questions. Why strike so heinously three elderly and frail missionary sisters, who were peacefully offering the gift of their presence in the neighborhood, caring especially for the most disadvantaged people?
Official sources cited specious and unfounded reasons. Instead, an Italian journalist, Giusy Baioni, carried out a meticulous investigation, driven by a desire for justice and truth and by the will to contribute to the establishment of true and lasting peace.
However, apart from inquiries, which all wish may continue, we want to cherish the deep meaning behind a death that comes as the crowning moment of a life marked by the fire of the passion for the proclamation of the Gospel and in the generous self-giving to the people. Despite their poor health, they decided to remain in Burundi. As true daughters of thought of “totality,” they firmly believed that the consecration of their life would not be fully realized until everything was given and one had become ready to move from continuous giving to the final sacrifice if this were God’s desire. (Fr. Giacomo Spagnolo). Olga wrote: A missionary dies willingly in the land of her mission.
Our sister Teresina Caffi’s contribution is precious. In the book Va’, dona la vita!, she collected intimate confidants, excerpts from diaries, and occasional writings of our three sisters. As we get closer to that mystery that is their heart, we feel encouraged to rekindle the joy of a life given out of love for the Lord Jesus and spend for his Reign.
By happy coincidence, this year, we celebrate the anniversary of the “martyrdom” of our sisters together with that of our Xaverian brothers and Fr. Joubert, who were beatified on August 18th. To them, too, we can ascribe this remark by Bernardetta: To live one’s life by following in the footprints of Jesus and together contribute to the construction of peace and fraternity is beautiful. These latter are the buds we hope may grow from the seeds buried in mission land. (Fernanda Tettamanzi m.m.x.)